Thursday, November 11, 2004

Fear of the dark

My apologies for so blatantly using the copyrighted names. No ... this is not one more story about Iron maiden chart toppers. Fear of the dark is something that is very common. To further complicate matters, this fear is higly correlated to fear of monsters under the bed, ghosts on the tree in your backyard, and zombies just outside your window. Different people fear different things, even super-brave people like me have some fears. Some fears are common to a lot of people while others are the vaguest of things that I've ever heard.

Dr. Murthy was the doctor nearest to our house and every time I fell ill my father would take me to this guy. This doctor had injections for every illness and would never miss an opportunity to use the much dreaded syringe on me. As a kid, I used to sweat heavily at the very sight of this doctor. This is when I developed vaccinophobia. The fear of injections caused in me a fear of fever since fever would take me to Dr. Murthy who would then devilishly stab me with his deadly syringe. Vaccinophobia combined with Febriphobia caused terror me 'once upon a time'.

I still fear some vague insects like cockroaches and grasshoppers. The worst times were when some grasshopper would enter my hostel room (during IIT days) and would scare the everything out of me. Then I would run out of my room to call some brave person who would shoo out the evil grasshopper. I have been the victim of many rodding sessions because of this vague fear aka Entomophobia. Apart from these there were a few other animals that I utterly disliked - especially cats and snakes, which used to be in abundace in our hostel. You never know, you enter some bathroom, and a cat runs out. You are cycling and there is good chance that you run over a snake. Had a bad time with these.

Adding to the list of vague fears ... I have this fear of sudden sounds, like those thug diwali bombs, bursting of balloons while blowing them, the sudden shrills in a horror movie, the bhows from behind etc. Because of this I'm not a big fan of horror movies. I still remember the day (in class 10) when I let out a shout while watching a horror movie (to scare people) and one of my sister's friends fainted. I got really scared expecting the worst, but luckily she survived. I guess, from then onwards this vague version of Acoutophobia has caught up with me.

Other vague fears include ... driving between two huge trucks, fear of swings, compiling code, and most recently fear of jaw dislocation.


Blogger totti said...

Happy deewali donnie! awesome win for texas!

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gave me a big laugh reading that blog..:-)) and i love cats!! perhaps the only laugh until now..i am working in office on this saturday braving the deadlines. I sure remember the day we watched "Omen" and the way u "watched" it.

My biggest fear right now is japanese grammar!! i am sure heading to fail the JLPT exam in dec...


3:45 PM  

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