Friday, August 06, 2004

The ultimate safari

My pants were not doing a good job insulating the skin from the floor. It was like sitting on a heated frying pan placed in an oven. I was sweating generously but that was the least of the concerns. My eyes screamed as streams of sweat gushed into them. My lungs were pleading for a whiff of oxygen and eyes begging for a faint ray of light. No, I was not in any POW torture chamber ... I was in the back of a U-Haul truck, moving to our new apartment. Killer yak is renowned for living on the edge while driving (avinash would testify), and it so happened that yak was the driver. I managed to sit steady inspite the sudden bursts of acceleration and the sharp turns but the stuff in the U-Haul would not. First fell the shoe stand followed by the cricket bat. As I jumped in agony and tried to reach for my shin, my forehead managed to find the lamp shades. At this stage I realized that it would not be wise to fight against the combined forces of Murphy and Yak. So I resigned to nature's forces :-? I mentioned Murphy since he made sure we face all the red lights on the way. I guess my state was somewhat like the nazi-victims being shipped to concentration camps in those crowded rail carriages. My cell phone was the only source of light. It reminded me of Tom Hanks' volleyball in Cast Away.

Glimpses of my life started drifting before my eyes. For once I envied eveyone in the world since they could see the blue sky and breathe some air. But whatever the situation I was determined to stay alive (???) Seconds felt like hours. But finally we did reach our new home and as Dhunna opened the U-Haul shutter to let me out, I saw heaven.
On the trip back it was Dhunna and Pondy who got to experience the ultimate safari. It seems Pondy was so scared that he confessed many things, and it might not be appropriate to mention most of his confessions here. Such was his condition that we had to console his as soon as he shot out of the U-Haul. And the few who escaped the safari ... phew ... lucky fish.
Moral of the story: U-Haul is meant for inanimate objects only.


Blogger totti said...

Nicely written! Donnie, writer ga neeku manchi career vundi..hee hee..How is the new house?

10:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


i am seeing 100 on ur counter ;-)) Alas, livejournals doesnt provide a counter!! i made a mistake in packing blogspot in a hurry..anyway, when r u going to write on ur Florida trip?? u busy with work or what?

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guru god ... got back from a great florida trip. Will write the details soon ... just that got stuck in the intricacies of graduate life :(

7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don, check the doodleboard on totti`s page...he is putting senti!!! i wrote something in return...u too write ;-))


8:24 AM  

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