Tuesday, August 03, 2004

OCDs and MPDs

This piece is dedicated to Dhunna Bhai, a victim of a deadly obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Dhunna Bhai is a simple lazy biological entity who hates the H in his name, so henceforth I'll refer to him as just Dunna Bhai. The problem with this life form is that he can sense wireless internet and can smell his way to the nearest computer (better still laptops). His mind is not in his control anymore. His hands involuntarily reach for the keybord hitting the key for startmenu ... I ... Tab ... and ritualistically typing mail.yahoo.com. This problem is so severe that he is bound to check mail every 5 minutes if there is a computer nearby, or every 10 minutes if there is none. There is a rumor floating that Dunna Bhai was given 10 GB space by yahoo for his loyalty.

Sometimes this phenomenon gets very complex. If one has a multiple personality disorder (MPD) and if each alter has a different OCD it can really get on to your nerves. Pondy, one of my room mates, has this "ultimate" combination. His stinkster alter has an OCD for wearing stinking socks while his body building alter has an OCD for protein consumption. His pain alter wants to go to London always while his casanova alter preaches everyone to buy a sony ericsson T 616 mobile phone. However, all these alter-specific OCDs have something common - Messing up the house. Coming to me, till recent times I could not help being late to the class by at least 5 minutes. All assignments had to be started the day before the deadline and finished just in time. I tried to correct this many times but old habits die hard, especially for incorrigible OCD victims.

One of my friends actually thinks everybody should have an OCD (OCD-passion-OCD are in a space-time continuum). All the cricket fanatics made him feel bad that he did not have an OCD. He still does not realize that he is a compulsive fan of actor vikram (he has joined the vikram fans yahoo groups).


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