Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Spitting your way to glory

spit (verb) to force out the contents of the mouth, especially saliva.

As a kid, I once scared my little sister by telling her that the human body has very limited saliva and losing it can be fatal. She innocently believed me and was a lot worried for many days since she always felt like spitting whenever she remembered this. From then onwards, I should confess, I have had my encounters with spitting. The avid pan eater spitting in the theatre, the nauseated kid vomiting in the bus, the bubble gum chewer spitting from the top of a giant wheel, the amateur boozer puking in a party, and the neighbor spewing showers of spit while talking ... I have been the victim of all of them. The worst of the lot I was even asked to officiate a spit match - who would spit farther - between a two friends during my school days.

However, to be frank, spitting was what inspired me to start this blog page.
During the early days as a grad student, my confidence in my writing skills had sunk to a new low after my guide asked me to take a writing course (hey, remember Newton's sceince teacher also complained that he was very poor student). During those times of immense emotional trauma... cut cut ... One of those days I wrote this poem (forgive me Gurudeb) on spittng and to my utter surprise totti published it in his blog site instilling back my confidence in writing. This is what I had written then ...


Spit till you are dry,
Even if there is no supply,
You still have to try,
Spit till you cry,
Spit till you die.

Dont be shy,
Look into the enemy's eye,
Spit with your heads high,
Let your spit fly,
High into the sky.

Dont ask me when and why,
And what these lines imply,
Spit in all months including july,
Spitting should never come to a standby.

Keep spitting.. good bye .. good bye


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